
Friday, January 12, 2007

The Flaws In The Perfect Plan of 911

By Douglas Herman

"The affairs of man and nature are not determined at random or by mere chance," -CIA liaison, Colonel Fletcher Prouty, JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy.

The more I consider the master plan for 911, the more I marvel at what went right. Then I roll my eyes and shake my head at what went wrong.

The flaws are obvious and leap out at any objective observer not blinded by denial or a false sense of patriotism. Anyone possessing logic and a basic knowledge of science and the rudiments of human behavior can see the gigantic flaws.

Still, when you consider that the mainstream media in America is corporate-owned and those corporations earn billions in war profits (directly related to 911),the deathly silence about the many obvious flaws in the perfect plan does surprise you. Presently, the planners enjoy immunity for the time being, enjoying a godlike sense of power to commit acts, however flawed and criminal, without repercussion.

This hubris, this overwhelming feeling of power, is itself a strength and flaw. The powerful do not fear the weak. As long as the master planners, however flawed and corrupt, hold top positions in the Department of Justice (sic), Department of War, both houses of Congress and the White House--plus the US media, they understandably feel invincible. continued


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