
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Government Causes the Crime

Viewed from the internal logic which drives the operations of Government,* you are an expendable resource utilized to maintain the continuation of Government as well as its growth--in less grandiose terms, a "slave." The greatest myth surrounding the institution of Government is that it principally exists to "protect" us from criminals who, were it not for the protection that Government provides us against them, would overtake our lives and generally make life intolerable, if not actually impossible. Hence the Government in all of its loving, beneficent glory provides police services to this end. But this rationale for Government's existence is a lie--a lie promulgated so effectively throughout the ages that most people have believed it unquestioningly, including most of the Government's own police. They have generally been happy to believe this grandest of all lies, because the implications for most people in not believing in The Lie are too horrendous for them to contemplate.

First of all, the police do not exist to protect you: the police exist to protect the Government from you. The police don't actually directly protect anybody except politicians and maybe movie stars, as well as themselves. For the rest of us they're just highly paid garbage collectors who show up after the damage is already done to collect evidence. In fact it is simply physically impossible for police to personally protect anyone unless they are there with them. Unless you have a police officer or bodyguard at your side, then only You can protect You. Indeed, the police aren't even legally required to lift a finger to help you if you are being raped to death on the side of a street--even if they are at your side (see Warren v. District of Columbia, D.C. App., 444 A. 2d 1 [1981]). continued


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