
Saturday, November 05, 2011

OccupyMN Wins Free Speech Battle With Hennepin County

UpTakeVideo on Nov 4, 2011
Chalk up a victory for free speech at The People's Plaza (also known as the Hennepin County Government Center). OccupyMN's protest signs are back and Hennepin County workers have relented in their attempts to take them down. Overnight, County workers had taken taken down OccupyMN's signs and moved the encampment's tables, food and everything else to the western side of the plaza. The reason given was the need to "winterize" the fountains and moving water in the plaza. The participants after initial dismay decided to recreate much of the infrastructure, setting up signs. A face-off with county security was peaceably resolved after consultations with county commissioners and other staff members. Minnesota ACLU entered the discussion questioning infringement of First Amendment Rights. The plaza was reorganized on the western side and activities resumed as usual.


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