Connecting the Dots
Common Dreams, one of the largest liberal websites, has a front-page story called "Easter Surprise: Attack on Iran, New 9/11… or Worse". The story comes so close, yet doesn't connect the dots. Specifically, it documents that:
(1) the U.S. plans to invade Iran very soon, on a pre-set timetable, despite its denials;
(2) another 9/11 type attack will be the precipitating cause;
3) Iran will not necessarily be behind the attack, but will be blamed anyway; and
(4) the attack will lead to a suspension of constitutional freedoms and liberties.
The article has everything EXCEPT the fact that the attack will be a false flag attack. How can the U.S. be assured that a terror attack will be carried out according to its very short timetable unless it does it itself?
When will the "alternative" media connect the dots?
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