
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Dr Chris Busby at the Royal Society: Scientific Dishonesty

Jan 8, 2012
Following up his 2007 book "Wolves of Water" Chris Busby calls for the development in Society of legal mechanisms to investigate issues of scientific dishonesty like those in Denmark. Such issues, he argues, can be seen in the same category as perjury in criminal court cases for which serious sanctions exist. The essay has been published in Iraq-Silent Death edited by Chris Scherrer (University Sains Malaysia 2011) and is also to be found, (together with several examples of possible scientific dishonesty) presented on the website of the Low Level Radiation Campaign The matter is one of democracy and goes to the core of expert evidence on Policy to governments. It is argued that scientists (like those who talk down the Fukushima catastrophe) or those like Prof Wade Allison who advise people to move into radioactive areas because doses of up to 100mSv a month are harmless, should be investigated in a court or law and if found guilty of knowingly giving bad advice (rather than being stupid or careless) suffer penalties.


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