
Friday, October 14, 2011

Naomi Klein On Occupy Wall Street Unfettered Greed

UpTakeVideo on Oct 14, 2011
Occupy Wall Street has some of its roots in the march against the Seattle global economic summits in 1999. What's the difference between the two? Naomi Klein says Occupy Wall Street has picked a better target. Summits are transient by nature. The times are different as well. In 1999 we were in an economic boom and it was hard to talk about the problems with capitalism. Back then, "the main stream media was drunk on dot-com money, stock options" says Klein. Today is different. "The facts of the situation are not in dispute. Everybody understands that we are facing a mass economic crisis and also an ecological crisis and they are the same crisis. Their roots are in unfettered greed." But the stakes today are higher says Klein. "We feel the clock ticking and we need to win this time."


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