
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Robert Menard - Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception

A Elizabeth Anne Elaine Society production by Robert-Arthur: Menard of the World Freeman Society deconstructing how the deceptive game of the governing societal mechanism works. Explaining & distinguishing such important but rarely talk about & understood terms (at least most assume they understand) such as human being, Person, statute, law, Act and Society etc. Exposing how the government of Canada (it would be the same for most governments under similar legal system & practice) using registration, application & or submission to trick each indivdual from being protected by common law to becoming a legal fiction (Person) operating under marinetime admiralty law and be contracted under the UCC commercial code. Rather than just being angry in realising such tyranny under the shield of Law and disguise in the name of justice, Robert-Arthur of the Menard family pointing out it is up to us not to be the slave of our own ignorant in order to empower ourself and learn how we can be protected in such a deceptive game. The key is we must not forget (in our heart) the fundemental basic that "we are all equal" on this planet we called earth and no authority can rule over an individual unless you voluntary to do so. After all, it is so essential that one do not take authority as the truth but rather than truth as the authority.


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