
Friday, January 22, 2010

The Haiti Earthquake - You Need To Know Where It Came From

Dick Eastman
I learned of the earthquake in Haiti yesterday evening when I entered my father's house to go for our daily walk -- he is 89. I saw Bill Clinton and asked my mother what was going on. Then I noticed that Stephanopolis -- Clinton's former Press Secretary was anchoring the news. Clearly this was a well-staged event. As the facts about the earthquake unfolded and how I saw the event was being spun so well for Obama -- and Stephanopolis showed none of the emotions or spontaneity -- and I saw how callous he was when he interviewed the Haitian president "On a personal level, this must be quite hard for you" -- something close to that -- what an astoundingly inappropriate thing to ask -- but revealing so much -- revealing that Stephanopolus, like Clinton who always refers to Americans as "ordinary citizens" -- expects detachment from the tragic fate of the "ordinary people" - asking this president if he actually was really feeling something on such an occasion.


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