
Monday, December 07, 2009

Red Ice Radio - Tim Ball - Climategate & Global Warming Fraud

December 06, 2009
Tim Ball joins us from Canada to discuss Climategate, the East Anglia University Hacked Emails, the Global Warming Scandal and the upcoming COP15 Conference, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen and the emerging of World Government. Tim has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Winnipeg, a Master of Arts degree from the University of Manitoba in Geography, and a Ph.D. degree in climatology from the University of London. He is the former head of "Friends of Science". We talk about "the scandal in Scandinavia", the Nobel Peace Prize given to Al Gore and IPCC, Phil Jones, Tom Wigley, the CRU (Climate Research Unit), Anthropogenic Global Warming, CO2 taxes, Climate Data Dumped, Maurice Strong and many others who are involved in this Scandal.


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