Alex Jones exposes system's attempt to stir up racism
Alex diffuses attempts to stir up racism, and otherwise divide us all on the race issue at the expense of dealing with important legislation and global takeovers by the elite. Obviously, the real issues we should all be focused on go much deeper than just skin.
A video posted of Alex Jones announcing the 'Obama JOKER $1000 Video Contest' has been pulled by You Tube after 'community guidelines' complaints alleged the video was 'racist.' The video in question had no mention of race whatsoever-- instead, it is a case in point of Obama Brownshirts policing the Internet and turning in political dissenters on a trumped-up basis.
Even more disturbing is You Tube's "community standards" policy in action-- which apparently allows for vocal critics to shut down free speech (which does not otherwise violate You Tube's standards) under arbitrary and unsubstantiated claims of "racism" or etc.
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