
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"We Must Fight the Net" - Pentagon

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
November 19, 2007

The Pentagon's Information Operations Roadmap is blunt about the fact that an internet, with the potential for free speech, is in direct opposition to their goals. The internet needs to be dealt with as if it were an enemy "weapons system".

The 2003 Pentagon document entitled the Information Operation Roadmap was released to the public after a Freedom of Information Request by the National Security Archive at George Washington University in 2006. A detailed explanation of the major thrust of this document and the significance of information operations or information warfare was described by me here.

Computer Network Attack From the Information Operation Roadmap:

"When implemented the recommendations of this report will effectively jumpstart a rapid improvement of CNA capability." - 7

"Enhanced IO capabilities for the warfighter, including: ... A robust offensive suite of capabilities to include full-range electronic and computer network attack..." - 7

Would the Pentagon use its computer network attack capabilities on the Internet?


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