
Monday, November 05, 2007

Granny -- and her monkey -- are gung-ho for Ron Paul

Matt Ehlers, Staff Writer

MARTINSVILLE, Va. - Those of us with an appreciation for cliches would surely use one to describe Linda Hunnicutt, what with her voice worn by that nicotine habit, her stories involving guns and government, and her ability to say anything to anyone, at any time, social niceties be damned.

She believes:

That it's scary, this stuff they're teaching kids in school today.

That you should honk if you speak English.

That Ron Paul, a physician who graduated from Duke University's medical school and a Republican congressman from Texas, would make a good president.

She believes this with so much fervor that she painted an RV red, white and blue, plastered Paul's face on it and drove it from North Carolina to New Hampshire. And Iowa. And South Carolina. And Texas. And here, to the Martinsville Speedway, where she hopes to turn some NASCAR fans on to the magic of "Dr. Paul."

Additionally, and not unimportantly, she has a monkey. And her monkey drinks beer.

By now you've probably figured it out.

Hunnicutt is one feisty old broad.


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