
Thursday, October 18, 2007

The First Holocaust of the 20th Century

Mass murder of a type never before seen in human history was carried out in Russia by the Soviet government from 1917 until roughly 1953. That was the world's first modern holocaust, i.e. the systematic murder of millions of people by a government. The Soviet holocaust began years before the Nazis killed anyone in significant numbers [1].

After communists created the Soviet Union, they murdered or oppressed anyone who opposed them, or might oppose them in the future. The result was a 36-year campaign of bloodshed and mayhem. The people who ran the Soviet Union were felons who were not elected to power. Many of them had been wanted by the law, or had served time in jail, before they achieved their positions of authority. [Given that fact, it seems odd that anyone would consider the Soviet Union to be a valid entity. Yet American president Franklin Roosevelt did, as did various Western celebrities].


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