
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Bush just playing us with 'troop withdrawal'

'Revelation' contradicts every other rationale offered in the last 500 days

By Keith Olbermann
Anchor, 'Countdown' MSNBC
Sept 4, 2007

And so he is back from his annual surprise gratuitous photo-op in Iraq, and what a sorry spectacle it was. But it was nothing compared to the spectacle of one unfiltered, unguarded, horrifying quotation in the new biography to which Mr. Bush has consented.

As he deceived the troops at Al-Asad Air Base yesterday with the tantalizing prospect that some of them might not have to risk being killed and might get to go home, Mr. Bush probably did not know that, with his own words, he had already proved that he had been lying, is lying and will be lying about Iraq.


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