
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Mark Cuban Exposes O'Reilly Hypocrisy On Radio Broadcast

Hearst yellow journalism devotees Popular Mechanics, NY Post enlisted to debunk 9/11 truth again

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Billionaire Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks who is set to finance a cinema release of Loose Change narrated by Charlie Sheen, exposed Bill O'Reilly's rampant hypocrisy concerning his coverage of the 9/11 truth movement on the Fox News host's radio show yesterday.

Offering the entire 18 minute segment will probably result in Bill calling on Fox security to pay us a visit so here's a 9 minute clip instead.

O'Reilly admits right off the bat that he has not even seen Loose Change, following in the trend of his fellow debunkers who have already arrived at a judgment without even checking the evidence. Bill's mind is made up! Don't bother him with the facts!

This painfully underscores exactly what this whole charade represents, not an open debate on the evidence, but a cynical attempt to smear Charlie Sheen, Rosie O'Donnell and Mark Cuban.

O'Reilly wastes no time in doing so by associating Loose Change with "Nazi propaganda."

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