
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Give Me Liberty 2007 Conference

Upcoming WTP Foundation Events

The Give Me Liberty
2007 Conference

Washington DC
March 29-31, 2007 

Come participate as a packed lineup of nationally renowned academic/public figures and Liberty leaders publicly examine and question the damaging policies and practices of our Government that are threatening the survival of our Constitution, our Republic and our Liberty. . Beyond the speaker packed agenda the conference will include evening dinner events and a large public Right-to-Petition vigil at the White House based on the en masse protest scene from the feature film, "V for Vendetta."  It is hoped we will have at least a 1,000 costumed "V's" standing in peacefuldefiance of despotism, awaiting a response for our Petitions for Redress. (note: Costumes preferred, but not required for this event) The conference will also feature a 1/2 day workshop where a significant set of activist tools will be unveiled for WTP CongressCoordinators and those that desire to become one.

View the
draft Agenda.

Visit the Conference Registration page and Hotel Reservation page for additional details.


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