
Monday, February 05, 2007

Kucinich, a Democratic Presidential Candidate iN 2008, Bows Down To Bush And Will Not Pursue 9/11 Truth

Mother who lost daughter on 9/11 says she is shocked and appalled as Kucinich backs down on seeking new investigation into 9/11. Former Kucinich campaign worker calls him a coward who backed down to inside threats on his life.
30 Jan 2007

By Greg Szymanski

Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Presidential candidate in 2008, has backed off his pro-active stance on 9/11 and has become nothing more than a traitor to the American people and a shill for the deceptive New World Order, according to a mother who lost her daughter on 9/11.

Donna Marsh-O'Conner, who lost her 24-year-old pregnant daughter running from the South Tower, killed by falling debris, said she once held out hope the U.S. Congressman from Ohio would push for justice in 9/11.

But now she says Kucinich has flipped on 9/11 truth seekers, saying through his spokesman that "9/11 is in the past', indicating he would no longer pursue an honest investigation into the official government story.

"When I heard this from Kucinich's spokesman, I was shocked, appalled and extremely angry," said Marsh-O'Conner on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, on the Republic Broadcasting Network at

"I had put some hope in Kucinich that he would at least spark a new investigation, but it appears he is siding with the Bush administration while turning his back on the victims and family members who lost loved ones on 9/11."

Kucinich could not be reached for comment, but Galen Miechick, a former campaign worker for the Congressman, speculated the powers that be finally "got to Kucinich", forcing him to back-off on opening a new probe into 9/11.

"I don't know why he changed his stance, but I would guess he fears for his life. He is nothing but a coward in my eyes," said the former Kucinich campaign worker. I believe he is nothing but a traitor and I would never support him again because Kucinich has already indicated, through his spokesperson, that the committee that he now chairs will NOT be investigating 9-11!

"Right now I am putting my support and energy behind John Buchanan who will be seeking 9/11 truth and running for President under the banner of the Citizens' Candidate Party. I'm helping pull together a core team that believes he can be the next President."

John Murphy, another volunteer and supporter of Kucinich who was contemplating backing Buchanan had this to say after Kucinich jumped ship on the 9/11 truth issue:

"I got sucked into the Kucinich campaign two years ago. I headed up the local petition gathering effort. I even spoke on his behalf at the local congressional district convention.

"I thought that supporting him was a reasonable thing to do even though he was a Democrat. (In the calculus of death the Democratic Party makes the Republican Party look like a schoolyard bully.)

"I figured at that time, even though I was a member of the Green Party, if Kucinich was going to oppose the war and support other issues very critical to Greens why not support him. I did not realize his real agenda until he met with me and the rest of his volunteers in Philadelphia. There he told us he had planned to support the Democratic nominee John Kerry even though he stood for everything that Kucinich apparently opposed. He told us nevertheless that he would take the issue of the war to the floor of the Democratic convention. When the convention came he showed himself to be a true Democrat. He lied like a rug. He smiled and supported the warmonger John Kerry just as he leaned over and kissed Bush's ring the other night at the State of the Union address.

"The rational choice for Kucinich was to support Nader but he chose Democratic Party unity over the antiwar candidate Ralph Nader. This speaks volumes about the kind of "man" he is. The entire reason the Democrats ran Kucinich was to keep "progressive Democrats" (now recognized to be a contradiction in terms) within the Democratic Party crying the mindless mantra "we can change the party from within".

"It was also the strategy of the Democratic Party to use Kucinich to weaken the Green Party. Although I returned to the Green Party immediately after the primary elections in 2004, many Greens never bothered to return. Kucinich has made it quite clear that he values "party unity" over anything else. For him supporting these "progressive" issues is just a way to ensure the strength of the Democratic faction of the Business Party. For activists to spend their time and money on Kucinich is insane. It is a complete waste of effort. Hopefully Mr. Nader will run again and those who truly value peace, social justice and civil liberties will support him.

"Support for any Democrat is tantamount to those Frenchmen who supported the Vichy government during World War II. Their rationale was "a French Nazi would be a better ruler than a German Nazi". This is the "lesser of two evils" that the Democrats always advance. Voting for the lesser of two evils has never given us many Republicans only worse Democrats. I will not be a collaborator. Vive la Résistance , "Said Albert Camus: 'To live as if our choices make any real difference in the long run may be the act of a fool,but to live as if they do not, that is the act of a coward.'"

"We can change the party from within."

By Greg Szymanski - article →


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... that's very interessting but frankly i have a hard time seeing it... wonder what others have to say..

11:34 PM  

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