
Friday, November 10, 2006

9/11 Truth Is Dying Inside and the Progressive Movements While Exploding World-Wide

Many in liberal, progressive, truth community pacified by sham re-arranging of the deck chairs, desert movement, dilute focus, as Dean and Pelosi promise to protect Bush from impeachment

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet
Thursday, November 9, 2006

Comment by Alex Jones

Free humans worldwide who have discovered the real truth about 9/11 will never stop until the military industrial complex mass-murderers who carried out the attacks are brought to justice. In major polls, the majority of Americans and the people of the world know that 9/11 was an inside job. State-sponsored terror is the fount of globalist power and must be shattered if humanity has any chance to be free in the future.

The explosive momentum of 9/11 truth for the moment is dimming, but like a fire that is dying, we must re-double our efforts and throw on even more fuel-- that fuel is truth. And the ocean of lies poured out by the controlled-corporate media will never extinguish our flames.

We cannot go back to sleep while the Democratic leadership shares power with the psychopathic terrorists who carried out 9/11.

It took over forty years for 80% of the people to learn that the Kennedy assassination was a black-op; in less than five years, the majority of Americans have learned that 9/11 was the same.

Anyone who runs defense for the perpetrators of 9/11-- Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean or anyone who supports them in their cover-up-- are traitors. Think about it: George Bush and his controllers killed 3,000 Americans, launched an illegal war and then butchered the Bill of Rights. And we're all supposed to go back to sleep now because a bunch of seedy Democrats are in lip-locks, sharing power with Bush?

Wake up America. Both parties are bought and paid for by the same interest, and they are waging war against the people of the world.

We cannot let a bunch of naive, starry-eyed political novest tell us that 9/11 Truth is dead. The point of this article is to let you know that they are trying to kill it. All they want is to feel like they're represented and go back to sleep.

9/11 Truth Now and Forever
-Alex Jones



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